Research Frontier


The core mission of WPZ is to provide economic policy advice based on rigorous empirical evidence and cutting edge theoretical research. To promote the
knowledge transfer from the frontier of academic research to policy advice, we invite leading academics from international elite universities to summarize
policy relevant insights of their empirical and theoretical research agenda.

No. 11: The Future of the Euro
PDF, 05.02.2018, Paul De Grauwe
John Paulson Chair in European Political Economy, London School of Economics
Yuemei Ji, Lecturer in Economics, University College London

No. 10: Fiscal Federalism: A Canadian Experience
PDF, 22.05.2017, Robin Boadway
David C. Smith Professor of Economics Emeritus, Queen’s University

No. 9: Macroprudential Policy and Credit Supply
PDF, 15.08.2016, José-Luis Peydro
ICREA Professor of Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, CREI, Barcelona GSE

No. 8: Capital Markets Union in Europe. Why other Unions must lead the way
PDF, 15.08.2016, Viral V. Acharya and Sascha Steffen
Acharya: C.V. Starr Professor of Economics, New York University
Steffen: Professor of Finance, University of Mannheim

No. 7: Tax Reform in an Era of Budget Stress, Inequality, and International Mobility
PDF, 15.06.2016, Alan J. Auerbach
Robert D. Burch Professor of Economics and Law at University of California at Berkeley

No. 6: Capital and Labor Reallocation Within Firms
PDF, 08.04.2016, Holger Müller
Nomura Professor of Finance, Stern School of Business, New York University

The first five contributions to the series are part of the eBook on „Moving to the Innovation Frontier“, edited by Christian Keuschnigg for the Centre for Economic Policy Research, London. The eBook with the entire collection of the essays is available here.

No. 5: Patent Rights and Cumulative Innovation: Causal Evidence and Policy Implications
PDF, 22.03.2016, Mark Schankerman
Professor of Economics, London School of Economics

No. 4: Regional Variation in Venture Capital: Causes and Consequences
PDF, 22.03.2016, Ramana Nanda and Matthew Rhodes-Kropf
Nanda: Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School
Rhodes-Kropf: Associate Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

No. 3: Innovation and Business Growth
PDF, 22.03.2016, William R. Kerr
Professor of Entrepreneurial Management, Harvard Business School

No. 2: R&D Policies and Economic Growth
PDF, 22.03.2016, Ufuk Akcigit
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of Chicago

No. 1: Competitiveness and Growth Policy Design
PDF, 22.03.2016, Philippe Aghion
Robert C. Waggoner Professor of Economics, Harvard University


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WPZ – Wirtschaftspolitisches Zentrum – Wien
Mariahilfer Straße 115/16
1060 Wien, Österreich

WPZ – Wirtschaftspolitisches Zentrum – St. Gallen
Forschungsgemeinschaft für Nationalökonomie
Universität St. Gallen
Varnbüelstrasse 19
9000 St. Gallen, Schweiz